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Структура IDF
President - Leandro Senesi
Vice-President - Aleksandr Gladysh
General Secretary – Katalin Kovacs
Presidium IDF:
1. Croatia
2. England
3. Hungary
4. Italy
5. Poland
6. Russia
7. Serbia
8. Spain
9. Ukraine
Technical Co-ordinators -
· Sergey Anikeev
· Alicia Lopes
· Urszula Dziekciarek
Adjudicator Co-ordinator - Bartolo Dell’Aiera
International relation Co-ordinator - Agata Maj (Urbanczyk)
Marketing Co-ordinators -
· Robert Ban
· Anne-Marie Gomez
· Sergey Gritsenko
· Ryszard Nowogorski
· Angie Whittle
General Secretariat Co-ordinator and Bursar - Franco Ventura